At SneakerHit, we pay special attention to the security of transactions. All transactions on are 100% secure.

Cash payment by CB

You can pay by credit card: in this case the payment is made on the website of our partner. This implies that no banking information concerning you is transmitted via the site SneakerHit. Payment by credit card is perfectly secure. Your order will be recorded upon acceptance of payment by the banking service. You can pay online with confidence by entering the number, the expiration date of your credit card and the security code on the back of this one in the locations provided for this purpose.

The details of your credit card is encrypted using SSL (Secure Socket Layer) and never transmitted unencrypted over the network. Payment is made directly to the bank. SneakerHit has no access to these details, and do not keep them on its servers. That is why they are called back for each new transaction on our site.

Fight against fraud

SneakerHit reserves the right to check the validity of the regulation, prior to shipment of the order, by all means SneakerHit deems necessary (including the application of identification, proof of address, etc.)

SneakerHit chose to implement tighter controls of all transactions with FIA-NET. These additional controls ensure the identification of the cardholder, and protect you from fraud.

Protection against fraudulent use of payment used for the transaction in particular following a hacking or against possible challenges to the payment of the price of an order will be handled by FIA-NET company.

The order validated by the customer will be considered effective only when the central bank payment and secure the company FIA-NET have given their approval to the transaction and, where appropriate, after assumption of risk acceptance by the insurer FIA-NET